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My name is Clare Veronica Donohue and I consider myself an artist, educator, animal rights advocate and humanitarian.


When I was 4 years of age, I was harmonizing to television commercial jingles.  My first professional paycheck as a singer was for singing on a demo for a radio commercial!


I also received the Carolyn Lucy Humanitarian Award at age 12 from P.S. 207 in Brooklyn, NY.


I have always tried to drop bits of education in my shows because I feel the lives of many artists, singers and composers are very inspiring.  And that is my job.  I want to leave you inspired.


I am a singer.  I am not an instrumentalist.  I try to put on shows featuring the works of great "singers".  Being a "frontman/woman" is an art all in itself and singing is certainly an artform all its own.  This is very challenging for me and I suppose that is why I do it.  There is still so much more I need to learn and more hours I need to put in to do it better.


When I grew up most people my age wanted to be or sing like Stevie Nicks.  Me, I wanted to be or sing like Billie Holiday and Doris Day.

In a way, Billie Holiday saved my life.  She taught me that you could take suffering and turn it into something beautiful.  

Listening to Doris Day and the earlier recordings of Billie Holiday - you hear the best and highest expressions of their souls and their humanity via their voice.

My dream is to make a recording of that quality and with that kind of effect on someone.


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